The Leek's Period 1 in Review

THE HAGUE-Time does fly when you’re having fun. It felt like only yesterday when we introduced the 2017-18 cohort to the law program, and we’ve already settled in and met some pretty alright people. We’ve learnt quite a bit in this first quarter but most importantly we’ve made a lot of mistakes (and will hopefully learn from them...maybe).

For many first years the 1st quarter can be a very tricky one, it’s easy to feel like you’ve been thrown into the deep end, especially when it comes to doing the first required readings. Grasping legal theory and activating the dormant lawyer within oneself Is a lot harder than it sounds. A year one tutor once said, “Learning is one big process, and it’s up to you to find what way works best for you” Like many encouraging things a tutor will say, it’s all easier said than done, there’s students in all years that still struggle with understanding the most conducive method to study and retain knowledge. A word of advice to you all is to find your method as soon as possible.

Seriousness aside though.

Many weeks ago, the lead editor of The Leek employed student from all years of the law program to answer a pretty simple and quick questionnaire. With this valuable data, we were able to come to some pretty quick conclusions.
The first being that students still have a phobia for questionnaires and google forms of any sort.
We’re still proud however to have received a total of 8 responses. (Thank you guys so much)

Therefor we're releasing the answers we got for the following questions:

What was your best experience this quarter?
What was your worst experience this quarter?
What was your best decision this quarter?
What was your worst decision this quarter?
What action are you most proud of yourself for doing?
What action are you not proud of yourself for doing?
What has annoyed you the most in this quarter?
Do you have any wise advice for first year students?
On a scale of 1-10 how prepared are you for exams?
Do you see the light at the end of the tunnel?

For enjoyment purposes we suggest reading these questionnaire responses to 'Should I Stay or Should I Go' by the 80s punk rock by 'The Clash'. ( Totally no relation whatsoever to me re-watching 'Stranger Things' recently)

It's important to note that all of these answers are completely anonymous. Enjoy! 

So there we have it, the truth has been exposed. Apparently very few students can see the light at the end of the tunnel, that's only slightly worrying. 

Here's to a slightly more successful second quarter! 

- Edward Geffen 
  Vice President and Chief Editor 
"If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?"


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