Big Foot Denies Attending Yesterday’s Student Forum

DEN HAAG – A shocking discovery was made after 'Bigfoot' was sighted in leaked security camera footage from yesterday’s Student Forum. the Image shows what seems to be the infamous Sasquatch  clearly finding a seat before the quarter one Student Forum.

The image prompted an investigation into why Bigfoot attended the least anticipated event of the quarter.

Tracking a 2-meter-tall beast is harder than one imagines, especially in a country where the average height is number quite close to Bigfoot’s. We managed to track the hairy beast at Café Xieje, when approached for a statement Bigfoot himself clearly stated he had never set foot in the aula or HHS for that matter. Bigfoot firmly stated that Student Fora in his words were ‘A waste of time’ and ‘Not my thing’.

Contradicting news however as leaked security camera footage clearly shows him taking the fourth seat on the 6th row in the center of the aula. The Hague University had initially intended for the footage to be deleted but was mistakenly uploaded instead of an Introduction to law lecture.

What really baffles students is why he would attend a Student Forum, especially when he strives to remain elusive. Student Fora are intended to give the students a platform to express complaints and give advice to the HHS Management. However, Student Fora have a notorious history of having an extremely low turnout as first year students slowly realize it isn’t even mandatory.

We spoke to frequent Student Forum attendee and overzealous know-it-all, Kylie Henkel who voiced her bitter concerns about student’s lack of interest in attending Student Fora.

“It’s ridiculous, this event literally gives students a platform to voice complaints to management and no one comes, yet I constantly see complaints plastered all over Facebook, where do my fellow student’s priorities even lie?”

Kylie Henkel making one of her fifty points heard at last year’s Student Forum

After acknowledging the fact that the Student Forum usually ends up in a close to empty aula, it makes sense why a mysterious creature would choose it as a suitable hiding-ground. What doesn’t make sense however is why he would deny it, embarrassment seems to be the only logical answer.


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