20 Types Of People You'll Meet During Your First Year At The Hague University Law School
20 Types Of People You'll Meet During Your First Year At The Hague University Law School
1. The Lazy Genius
Late to class, playing games during lectures, less than adequate notes, always drinking at Siezo, doesn’t buy the books, yet he/she knows their shit. The lecturer might catch them off-guard, but they’ll land on their feet because they’re always paying attention. You’ll fool yourself into thinking you can do the same and only yield self-destructive results. They’ll tell you they didn’t study before the exam and walk out with an 8 out of 10. Words can’t express the feeling of betrayal when you think you’re in the same boat but in reality, you aren’t. You suspect that they’re secretly studying behind your back at home, but you’ll never know.
2. The terrible study buddy
They’re your best friend, but that’s the problem, you literally cannot get any studying done with them, any attempt is foiled and ends in hours and hours of pointless banter. They’re easily distracted and this affects productivity a lot. Keep them as best friends, just that.
3. The Human Rights Guru
The most compassionate
type of person you’ll meet, they want to hear about wherever you’re from and
they’ll listen and ask questions. They have a thing against the Dutch
Government for some reason and an affinity for everything Human Rights related. The Human Rights
guru is going to single-handedly end child labor, false imprisonment, the war
in the middle east and ebola, with the power of the law. They carry this spiritual aura
around them. As they progress through the course they’re either emboldened to
keep pressing on for human rights or end up choosing a Corporate Law
specialization in year three out of necessity and also because human rights doesn't pay the bills.
4. The Suits Fanatic
After watching seasons
of Suits this guy/girl fell in love with the corporate world and dreams of making
it into ‘Pearson Hardman’ one way or the other. You can identify them by the
suits wallpaper on their laptop in lectures. This person has no idea what they’re getting
5. The Dutch Student
The embodiment of the
Dutch educational system, this student has never been surrounded by by so many different
nationalities, they don't feel like switching to English at times, and they have no idea
what to expect. You’ll notice they like sticking to each other, likely to drop
out after the second quarter.
6. The goal driven student
Planning. They’ve been
planning their lives since kindergarten, they’ve already chosen their year
three specializations and are halfway through their paper. They joined ILSA at
the drop of a dime and seem to be constantly juggling responsibilities like its
nothing. One of the key indicators of the goal driven student is the well
annotated law collection, well organized agenda and fully decked out LinkedIn
7. Suit Guy
Suit Guy is already a self-proclaimed
lawyer and dresses the part, most people can see through his antics. He’s the
first to slide into them DMs. It feels like he’s already done the required
reading, but truth is he’s just winging it in lectures. He has the risk of turning
himself into a living meme if he doesn’t play his cards right.
8. Photocopy Squad
Heroes, skilled
photocopiers, treasures to our cause, these individuals are the first to buy a
book, photocopy all the required reading, and return the book like its nothing.
They operate at the beginning of each quarter and work as a group to punch
holes and organize papers. Extremely nifty with the photocopy machine, they’re also patient money savers. Befriend one of these people as soon as you can!
9. Mr./Mrs ‘I want to work for the UN’
While being an all-round
likable character, they really don’t exactly have a plan as to how they’re
going to acquire their rosy United Nations job. By the end of second year they
either mature out of this phase or actually chase that job.
10. The Know-it-all
We get it, you’ve done
20+ MUNs and you’ve been in several debate clubs. These individuals have
probably already done a law course, but love flaunting their vast knowledge to
the beginners. Funnily enough in the early stages they might form a following, but sooner or later everyone catches on. The Know-it-all comes in two versions, the lovable competent
version which is highly desired and the disliked but competent version which is
mildly wanted. (Is most likely ‘Suit Guy’)
11. The Living Memes
These people are quick
to make a name for themselves in their year, they do one of the following:
- Have a distinctive cough or sneeze
- Gives speeches instead of questions
- Asks more questions than a gameshow host
- Suit guy
- Comes to class in pajamas
12. The Older Folks
It’s never too late to
go to law school. These students have families, but more importantly life
lessons to teach a tutor group in disarray. They’re normally calm and collected
and keep to themselves. They understand the age difference with some of their
colleagues and will let you make mistakes. They normally situate themselves
together at the back of lecture halls.
13. The Average Dudes
Not much to them, they’re
nice I guess?
14. The Dare Devils
Living life on the
These individuals buy law collections days before the exam, start course assignments at 9pm on a Friday and don’t do the readings to any lectures. What you may see on the surface as a calm chill and collected individual that resembles the Lazy Genius, is actually a self-induced anxiety ridden mess. They told you about how they finished the assignment last minute, but what they didn’t tell you was how they sent out 9 S.O.S messages to people they barely even talk to for clues on the assignment. They told you about how they got their law collection last minute, but didn’t tell you about how they panicked and hoped the study store would have them in stock. Towards the end of the year you’ll find these dare devils in various corners counting and recounting their credits frantically.
Life on the edge is rough.
These individuals buy law collections days before the exam, start course assignments at 9pm on a Friday and don’t do the readings to any lectures. What you may see on the surface as a calm chill and collected individual that resembles the Lazy Genius, is actually a self-induced anxiety ridden mess. They told you about how they finished the assignment last minute, but what they didn’t tell you was how they sent out 9 S.O.S messages to people they barely even talk to for clues on the assignment. They told you about how they got their law collection last minute, but didn’t tell you about how they panicked and hoped the study store would have them in stock. Towards the end of the year you’ll find these dare devils in various corners counting and recounting their credits frantically.
Life on the edge is rough.
15. The Strong Women
What else did you
expect? It’s no lie that the female to male ratio here at The Hague University
is 2:1. So there’s a lot of them. They’re heavily opinionated, adamant and driven.
They normally take lead in tutor groups, they’re understanding, compassionate but
most importantly unfuckwithable. They’ll be the first to call you out and see
through your bullsh*t, whether it be in tutor meetings or in lectures.
16. The Super Best Friends
You think they’ve
known each other since Pre-school but nah, they met each other during intro-week
and now they’ve formed a bond unbreakable. They do everything together and you’re
not quite sure how they became so close so quickly. You start to doubt your social
skills, then you realize they all live in Waldorpstraat or the Student Hotel
and you don’t feel so bad after all.
17. The Ghost
No one knows exactly
who they are, they seem to fade in an out of existence, they started up as an
absent character on the first tutorial roll-call, then you forgot if they ever actually
joined the course. The ghost is in the tutor group WhatsApp, but they never say
anything, you swear you saw him/her once in a group meeting, but no one believes
you. After you forget about this shady character they show up at the final event take credit for group work then disappear once again.
18. The Long-Distance Partner
Has a girl/boyfriend
abroad and is doing everything to keep the relationship going, they leave parties early
and are constantly talking to their other half on WhatsApp during lectures.
19. Your first crush
If it works out, great, if it doesn't, they'll give you a million reasons to hate them by quarter 3.
20. The Snakes in the grass
You know who I’m
talking about, or at least you might know soon enough.
Don’t let any of this dissuade
you though, this year is going to be a lot of fun.
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